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ワイルドウエスト について

Q7 1 インディアンジュエリーは本物ですか?
Ans. 取り扱っているインディアンジュエリーはすべて本物です。
The use of turquoise, shell, jet and coral as personal adornment by Southwestern Indians dates from prehistoric time and the use of Silver by the Navajo, Zuni, and Hopi is almost 100 years old. This is an indian HANDMADE Produce and should not be confused with jewelry imitations Where used, all stone are genuine. Turquoise is the birthstone of December and signifies success.
WILD WESTのインディアンジュエリーはアメリカの法律に従い、インディアンが製作したインディアンジュエリーを販売しています。


Q7 2 どこから仕入れているのですか?
Ans. アメリカ南西部のネバダ、ユタ、アリゾナ、コロラド、ニューメキシコに広がるインディアン居留区内でインディアンたちが製作したジュリーを仕入れています。


Q7 3 インターネットで買えますか?
Ans. はい ネットショップを開設しました。
Wild West Web Shop


Q7 4 『ココペリ』って何ですか?

Kokopelli is a fertility deity, usually depicted as a humpbacked flute player (often with a huge phallus and antenna-like protrusions on his head), who has been venerated by many Native American cultures in the Southwestern United States. Like most fertility deities, Kokopelli presides over both childbirth and agriculture. He is also a trickster god and represents the spirit of music.
Because of his influence over human sexuality, Kokopelli is often depicted with an inhumanly large phallus. Among the Ho-Chunk, this penis is detachable, and he sometimes leaves it in a river in order to have sex with girls who bathe there. Among the Hopi, Kokopelli carries unborn children on his back and distributes them to women (for this reason, young girls are often deathly afraid of him). He often takes part in rituals relating to marriage, and Kokopelli himself is sometimes depicted with a consort, a woman called Kokopelmana by the Hohokam and Hopi.
Kokopelli also presides over the reproduction of game animals, and for this reason, he is often depicted with animal companions such as rams and deer. Other common creatures associated with him include sun-bathing animals such as snakes, or water-loving animals like lizards and insects. Because of this, some scholars believe that Kokopelli's flute is actually a blowgun (or started out as one), but this is a minority opinion.
In his domain over agriculture, Kokopelli's fluteplaying chases away the Winter and brings about Spring. Many tribes, such as the Zuni, also associate Kokopelli with the rains. He frequently appears with Paiyatamu, another flautist, in depictions of maize-grinding ceremonies. Some tribes say he carries seeds and babies on his back. (
